How to invoke on check event of a checkbox[]

Let’s learn how to invoke a checkbox[]’s checked event.

Our checkbox:

<input type="checkbox" id="check[]" name="check[]" value="<?=$item->id?>" class="checkbox" onchange="javascript: showhidecheckbox('check[]','sendto','1');" />

our onchange event call showhidecheckbox() javascript function. This function is used to detect the checkbox status and show or hide a div named “sendto”.

function showhidecheckbox(checkboxname,name1)
    var d1=document.getElementById('sendto').style;
    if($('input[name="check[]"]:checked').length > 0)
        d1.display ='block';    
             d1.display ='none';

Now, you can hide or show your sendto div when your checkbox is checked or unchecked.